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Trail d’Annecy les Glaisins

30 March 2025

Immerse yourself in the adventure of the Trail d’Annecy – Les Glaisins, an epic race in the heart of Haute-Savoie, combining wilderness and spectacular views of Lake Annecy.

  • 20 km route: 85% trails, diving on the banks of the Fier, climb to the slopes of Mont Veyrier, 1000m D+.
  • 14 km route: 80% trails, crosses the Rampignon ramparts, 500m D+.
  • Cross Jeunes: Loops in the Bois des Glaisins, distances adapted to each category.

Embark on an unforgettable experience at Trail d’Annecy – Les Glaisins, where the natural beauty of the region meets the excitement of the race. After the effort, the reward: explore Annecy, its old town, its lake, and savour the delicious Savoyard gastronomy!

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